Metrics Mapper
When installing layouts from the Marketplace or switching from one plugin to another, you may encounter situations where the metrics you've selected for widgets are no longer available. The Dashboard Builder provides a simple and convenient tool to map these missing metrics to similar ones that exist on your system.
Layouts from the Marketplace
If you install a layout from the Marketplace that uses metrics not available on your system, the * Metrics Mapper* will automatically open in the Dashboard Builder when you configure the layout.
The Metrics Mapper will guide you through all the unavailable metrics. It allows you to select a plugin and find similar metrics to replace the ones missing in the layout.
In some cases, there might not be any similar metrics available. If this happens, the Metrics Mapper will inform you, and you will need to map these metrics manually at a later time.
Missing Metrics
If you've already mapped metrics for a layout or a metric becomes unavailable for another reason (e.g., you uninstalled a plugin), you can still map individual metrics using the Layers View in the Dashboard Builder.
When a widget is in an error state due to an unavailable metric, an error indicator will appear in the Layers View. Clicking this error indicator will open the Metrics Mapper, allowing you to map the specific metric.